I went in today for my weigh in and guess what....I AM IN FIRST PLACE! I have lost 5% of my total weight in only 3 weeks in the contest! This is especially incredible seeing that I have only worked out with Steve once in the past week! First on Tuesday I had flu like symptoms and then Friday night, out of the blue my throat became swollen and I was very feverish. After a doctor visit the results were strep throat, ear infection and sinus infection. Yikes. All in one week. But today Steve put that all into perspective for me. This is all minor stuff. A broken bone would be a major setback. This is all only minor.
My main objective for this week was to continue my meal plan no matter what. And it has paid off. I have tried to keep up with my 5 meals a day. This has been especially difficult with this lates strep bout. I have had to make protein/fruit smoothies and low sodium chicken soup. Things I can swallow. Trying to keep that up has been hard. Strep throat has been a recurring problem for me for years so recovery is not something new to me. The quick recovery is though. I attribute so much of this to my new lifestyle (even as short as it's been). I am grateful to have today and tomorrow yet for some rest and relaxation and hope that I will be closer to "normal" by Tuesday.
Can I say that this contest totally ROCKS!!! Once I am back to 100% Steve and I are going to go through the roof on this and will go further than any of the contestants last year!!! Yeah for positive attitude. But for now.....it's back to bed.
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