Thursday, February 25, 2010

Training rescheduled

Steve had to reschedule my workout for tonight. Have it admit, it was difficult to get motivated tonight to get on the treadmill. Especially with the new schedule he gave me on Tuesday. It was HARD...but I did it with the help of my 2 mini trainers, Joey and Keri. I actually ran in 30 second intervals. (doesn't sound like much, I know. But it's A LOT for me)

My meal schedule has really been perfect for me. It takes a lot of planning each day to make up the meals and have them in my little lunch bag. But it makes it so much easier as the day goes on to grab the meals, even on the go. And I don't feel hungry. That's probably the best part of it all.

I will admit that today in the lunchroom at my internship there were brownies there that looked very good. So, I just marched my butt to the other end of the table and didn't eat one. Last year's winner, who my trainer also worked with, emailed me this week and we have been writing back and forth. She is giving me pointers and has asked if she can be my added support and "go to girl" for advice. How nice was that of her!! She also said she is joining in the 3 months and working out more as well as journaling her workouts and eating schedule again. (just in case she has to make an appearance at our final day). She has given me some great advice. Oh, and I see that I have 2 people following me on here now!!!! I am still a bit overwhelmed by all of this and more than a little humbled. And even more honored to have so many good and caring people cheering me on and following this road with me. LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!


  1. brownies are the worst. i gave them up for lent because i can eat a whole pan in one sitting way to easily. way to be strong! think how much fun clothes shopping will be after this!!!

  2. You're doing great, Deb. Cheating gets easier the more you cheat, you know? (believe me, I know) If you had brownies today, talking yourself into cookies tomorrow would be easy. So good for you for being such a kick a** lady and staying strong. Anne
