Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Had my first weigh in today and lost 9 lbs my first week in the contest! Top loser of the 5 contestants by quite a margin! I can't even describe how good I feel about this! It has been such hard work, but I am doing it right. I eat 5 meals a day, have the foods that I like, and work my tail end off both at home and with my trainer.

I should explain a little bit about the meal plan I am following. I eat fat, protein and either fruit or veggies at every meal. I also eat starch with breakfast and lunch. It's all about eating all foods, but eating them in the right amounts and at the right times of the day. To put it very simply, I eat only perishable food. If I can't pronounce the ingredients I don't eat it. I also try to eat as low in sodium as possible and have absolutely NO artificial sweeteners. It isn't as hard as it sounds and, as you can see, itis effective. Will I follow it this closely after the 3 months??? Not so sure. I am only into the 2nd of 12 weeks right now. I have to give myself the 3 months to see how I truly feel and see what has become habit. Do I miss some of the old foods?? Absolutely!! But I try not to dwell on that.

Steve has also been working on helping me become more positive and to try not to dwell on things I can't control. I tend to be a bit hard on myself and push myself unrealistically. I am beginning to see how this can sabotage my hard work and effort. If it doesn't kill me it just is not that important or critical. Certainly not worth stressing about. (or "spazzing" as I tend to be described as)

Here's to another week of training and another week closer to the NEW ME!!!! :)
Thanks for reading....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Congratulations, Deb! Your hard work is paying off! So proud of you, grasshopper!
