Saturday, February 27, 2010

Very minor setback

This morning during one of my torture exercises I pulled a muscle in my calf, right behind my left knee. I was jumping to an 18 inch step and when I stepped down I didn't buffer it so it pulled the muscle. It wasn't as bad as it could have been....but it really hurts. I'm icing it today and tomorrow, taking it a little easy, and hoping that I will be back to new for my workout on Monday. Thankfully we changed tomorrow's workout to Monday already, so I have tomorrow off to do an easier workout on the treadmill. Or maybe the kids and I will do some Wii Fit.

I continue to feel so much better! I can't believe what a difference I feel in myself in such a short time. I think the biggest accomplishment is in the food choices I make. Believe it or not, I don't even have cravings for things I'm not supposed to be eating. Wonder if it'll last for the whole 3 months. PLEASE last the 3 months!!!

Besides the food I am also drinking a lot lot lot of water. Thankfully I stopped drinking Diet Coke weeks before the contest started or this could be super killer. Today we went to Sam's Club and while Joe and Joey bought soft drinks I opened the water bottles we bought and it tasted the best EVER!!! Keri and Sami even joined in with me and had water. So proud of my girls!

Weighing in for the 2nd time on Tuesday. Fingers crossed that I continued with the weight loss this week!!! More soon...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Training rescheduled

Steve had to reschedule my workout for tonight. Have it admit, it was difficult to get motivated tonight to get on the treadmill. Especially with the new schedule he gave me on Tuesday. It was HARD...but I did it with the help of my 2 mini trainers, Joey and Keri. I actually ran in 30 second intervals. (doesn't sound like much, I know. But it's A LOT for me)

My meal schedule has really been perfect for me. It takes a lot of planning each day to make up the meals and have them in my little lunch bag. But it makes it so much easier as the day goes on to grab the meals, even on the go. And I don't feel hungry. That's probably the best part of it all.

I will admit that today in the lunchroom at my internship there were brownies there that looked very good. So, I just marched my butt to the other end of the table and didn't eat one. Last year's winner, who my trainer also worked with, emailed me this week and we have been writing back and forth. She is giving me pointers and has asked if she can be my added support and "go to girl" for advice. How nice was that of her!! She also said she is joining in the 3 months and working out more as well as journaling her workouts and eating schedule again. (just in case she has to make an appearance at our final day). She has given me some great advice. Oh, and I see that I have 2 people following me on here now!!!! I am still a bit overwhelmed by all of this and more than a little humbled. And even more honored to have so many good and caring people cheering me on and following this road with me. LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Had my first weigh in today and lost 9 lbs my first week in the contest! Top loser of the 5 contestants by quite a margin! I can't even describe how good I feel about this! It has been such hard work, but I am doing it right. I eat 5 meals a day, have the foods that I like, and work my tail end off both at home and with my trainer.

I should explain a little bit about the meal plan I am following. I eat fat, protein and either fruit or veggies at every meal. I also eat starch with breakfast and lunch. It's all about eating all foods, but eating them in the right amounts and at the right times of the day. To put it very simply, I eat only perishable food. If I can't pronounce the ingredients I don't eat it. I also try to eat as low in sodium as possible and have absolutely NO artificial sweeteners. It isn't as hard as it sounds and, as you can see, itis effective. Will I follow it this closely after the 3 months??? Not so sure. I am only into the 2nd of 12 weeks right now. I have to give myself the 3 months to see how I truly feel and see what has become habit. Do I miss some of the old foods?? Absolutely!! But I try not to dwell on that.

Steve has also been working on helping me become more positive and to try not to dwell on things I can't control. I tend to be a bit hard on myself and push myself unrealistically. I am beginning to see how this can sabotage my hard work and effort. If it doesn't kill me it just is not that important or critical. Certainly not worth stressing about. (or "spazzing" as I tend to be described as)

Here's to another week of training and another week closer to the NEW ME!!!! :)
Thanks for reading....

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday workouts....OUCH

Got up this morning, ate my breakfast, and woke up the family to get ready to go. Met with Steve for my 10:30 workout and Joe took the kids to shop for a new bed (I had already shopped and he was checking what I found).

Workout was tough!! He has me doing a lot of strengthening, push ups/weights, etc. Today he also treated me to NINE FLIGHTS OF STAIRS!!! Those were a killer. He didn't make me run. I couldn't have anyway (haha). But....I DID IT! Hurt like ever though. We had to make adjustments to the workout twice when I got light headed. Finding that this happens most often when I 1) don't breathe correctly and 2) get up or go down too fast for the workouts. This is something I am really going to have to concentrate on.

I was glad to see that my legs hurt far worse this morning than they have all week. Not sure how they will feel tomorrow though! On Thursday I started my protein drink after the workouts and that seems to have helped. Don't even mind it. I also am proud to say that I am sticking to the food choices like clockwork. I thought this would be the hardest, but truthfully, it hasn't been bad. I am seeing the brilliance of their food program. There is very little that I am eating that I don't like. I am also getting to eat foods that I really like. What I am seeing is, what's most important is watching the AMOUNTS and WHEN to eat certain foods. I can have a plain bagel, I can have peanut butter, I can have fruits, I can have eggs. It just depends WHEN and how much.

I am starting a new philosophy. I am no longer looking at what I can't have and what I am giving up. It's not about that. I am concentrating instead on all of the things I am able to have and also on what I have been able to DO!! I am truly amazed with what I have accomplished this week.

Thanks for reading! :)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Feeling a little better today

Worked out again with Steve and I have to say.....I FEEL VERY PROUD OF MYSELF!!!! He told me that my numbers were the highest of the 5 contestants for the beginning numbers. Raises my bar a bit higher, but I am pretty proud. He told me he knows he pushed me a bit harder, but he wanted me to see how I did from the beginning at my best to the end of the 3 months at my best.

We went over my eating log, sleeping schedule and home workout routine. I am pretty much following it like he wants to see. He is going to go through my food schedule because he thinks I should add a starch to my meal before my evening workouts with him. I kind of piddled out a couple times in the workout......but he did say I did much better than he expected and I did about 3 more things than he thought I was going to be able to do. Yay me!!! =)

So, I am still sore tonight. Drank my protein drink after the workout and hope to be a bit less sore tomorrow, or at least Saturday. I go back for my next "killer" session on Sunday but have to do my cardio workouts every day at home.

Thanks again for reading!!!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

So So Sore

My first workout was yesterday and Steve told me to do my 1/2 treadmill workout last night and another 30 minute workout today. I woke up this morning more sore than I probably have ever been. Needless to say, getting on the floor with the birth to 3 year olds today was NOT that easy. But I did it. =) Tonight I came home and collapsed on the couch for about 40 minutes and I swear I didn't think I was going to be able to get up. But I did it. And I hobbled my sorry butt downstairs and did my workout. I will admit...only did 25 minutes. I also followed Steve's directions and constantly changed up the speed and incline. I had my heart rate up to the 160s where he wanted it to be, so I think I did ok.

Unfortunately, today I forgot to take my meals with me to work. I had to improvise best I could. But I think I did pretty good for Walgreens. (it's the only place I could go in the few minutes I had) I have been drinking water like a fiend and have completely cut out aspartane and citrolose (artificial sweeteners) from my diet completely. I am still drinking my coffee so fortunately have had no withdrawal headaches. The only thing I have to do is talk with him about an option for fizz. Miss my fizz.

More tomorrow after my first 6pm workout. I will now be working out Tuesdays/Thursdays at 6pm and Saturdays 10:30am. He has a regime planned for me on the other days.

1st week half over. 11 more to go!!! :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

First workout

Steve kicked my A$$ today on my first workout. Embarrassed to say that I got lightheaded at the end of the workout and was not able to do my last part. But I did 1 mile in 14 minutes. Ok, no record breaking done. But I finished it and even jogged for 6 minutes. That's pretty huge for me folks!! I am pretty sore tonight. He's having me drink a protein drink after workouts from now on. That is supposed to help with that. 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup orange juice, 1 scoop protein powder.

The diet is going great. Eating 5 meals a day with absolutely NO SKIPPING is not easy. I eat at 7am, 10 am, 12:30pm, 3:30 pm and 6:30pm. I premake the meals the night before and pack them in my little cooler. Works GREAT! Did find out I DO NOT like plain organic yogurt. Even with fresh strawberries in it. Going to switch to cottage cheese. I mean, really, that was NASTY!

I will be doing another 30 minutes on the treadmill tonight after a meeting at the kids' school. I'm tellin' ya.....he's trying to kill me! Was also ordered to buy new shoes, which I did on the way home. YEAH Shoe Carnival!!! :)

For all of you that actually are loyal enough to read to the bottom. I am going to do the hardest thing I have ever done. Giving you my beginning weight. It is 236. Steve is pushing me to lose 50 lbs in this contest!!!! I have come to the conclusion that this is just a number. A number. And it's nothing to be ashamed of. My final number is what is important.

REMEMBER: NO EXCUSES!!!!!!!! See you tomorrow! :)

Monday, February 15, 2010

First Day

The group of contestants met up for the first time today. What an wonderful group of people!! I really liked them all and can't wait to see our transformations over the next 3 months. Boy was it intimidating having to talk on video about what I want from the contest!! We were also briefly interviewed by the reporter from the Herald News and had before shots taken with the group and with our trainers. It was a whirlwind experience and my head is still spinning.

As I left with a log book for workouts and eating and a book that spells out the eating plan I couldn't help by feeling very overwhelmed and more than a little scared. I'm going to have to sit down tonight and plan out the week's meals and get them packed up. Basically there are 5 meals a day with it spelled out what to each for each meal. Then you go through the choices to decide what you will eat. I think for at least the first week I am going to find what fits into each meal and go with that for each day!!! I am surprised at the amount I can eat....although I still think this will be the hardest part. Was totally bummed to see that I can't drink my flavored sparkling waters. That was a huge blow!!! (no aspartane in the diet) Plain water is not going to be easy. Ugh. But I'm going to stick to this no matter what!

Steve ordered a 30 minute workout for me with high intensity. He wants me to work on the treadmill at the highest elevation and speed that I can do, a few minutes at a time. I meet with him tomorrow for my first official "torture session" and will give you an update then. Hopefully he and I will be able to really map out my "dos" and "don'ts" and get a more detailed workout plan for my out of gym work. This is not going to be easy!! Do you think it is ok to be VERY scared???

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Met with Steve today for about an hour. He is quite the motivator. We "unofficially" weighed me in. I ever have my work cut out for me!! We also took some measurements and took some "before" shots. Another "ugh". Really looking forward to beginning. It seems like the wait has been forever. He showed me the eating log and the food guide that they have put together. Very impressive. We are going to start with Tue/Thu/Sat or Sun workouts with him and I will be putting workouts in on the other days. Steve was the trainer for last year's winner so this is quite a challenge for us. He hopes to repeat his win this year. I intend to make him a repeat winner.

The food guide looks quite easy to follow. My challenge will be in packing my daily food. Steve says NO EXCUSES and I should pack up my daily meals in a cooler marked for each meal. Absolutely NO outside food because you can't control what is in there. As soon as I have better handle on the daily schedule I will get that blogged. It is really a good setup. If anyone wants to model it just let me know and I can see about getting copies of the stuff I have. ANYONE that wants to or can join me the better!!! You are all MY inspiration and motivation!!

Countdown to the contest.......ONE!!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

The beginning is near!

Finished my 2nd week of internships today. What a great week. But I am exhausted!! I'm being told that with exercise comes energy. Someone please tell me that this is correct! :) I have had two friends say that they are going to either do yoga or swim or do some type of workout with every workout that I do!! That just made my day. Then they said something that kind of (ok REALLY) surprised me. They said that I am an inspiration to THEM! That just can't be right. I have always looked at these ladies with awe. They have become to important and special to me and I look up to them for support, advice and that shoulder to cry on when needed. It seems surreal to actually be an inspiration to them! I am honored ladies and will not let you down. Promise! :)

Countdown to the big day: 3

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My trainer

I talked to my new trainer Steve. He sounds like a really nice guy and we were totally on the same page. He told me, "Enjoy this week, eat what you want, and have a good time" Translation: SANDBAG!!!! We both want to kick butt in this contest and plan on winning. I told him I was doing exactly that this whole 2 weeks so that I can really kick for the contest. He was floored to hear that we were both thinking in the same competitive way.

I am meeting with Steve on Sunday to do all of my pre-numbers before the big meeting on Monday. I will have to do pushups...yeah right, sit ups....sure ok, and have my measurements done. Should be interesting to see exactly how much work I/we have ahead of us. Can't wait though.

This week has been very tiring with my 2nd week in my internship from grad school. But I have to say I do feel less tired than I did last week. This is a good sign, right!?! By month's end I am hoping the energy level will be higher than it has been in a very long time!!!

Countdown to contest: 5 days

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Meeting on Monday

Got an email today and the 5 contestants are meeting Monday morning for the "before" shots, video and interviews with the reporter. I can't wait to meet everyone and get introduced to my trainer/teammate. They are getting us matching colored tshirts to wear during photo ops. I was kinda hoping to wear a GiGis Playhouse tshirt for a couple of them. Needing to boost Team SamMilBubs (formerly Team Samantha) for the 5K in June. I gave a challenge last year to "run" (okay, maybe jog) in the 5K instead of walking the 1 mile if our team raises over $4000. Was panicking a bit....BUT NOW I KNOW I WILL BE ABLE TO DO IT!!! :))

I am also proud to say that as of tomorrow it has been 6 weeks since I have had a Diet Coke! It was kind of my "test" to see if I could handle a fitness contest. I figured if I could do that I could do about anything. In fact, I have only had 3 or 4 sodas at all in the 6 weeks. Something I never thought would be possible.

The countdown to the big day is now 6.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Doctor gave me the ok!

I met with Dr Dudas today and he gave me the go-ahead to do the fitness training. The nurse was so cute and we chatted about the contest for a long time. She said she wants me to come back after the contest to show her my "new me" and let me know that I won! She was very sweet. Dr Dudas asked me to come in after 6 weeks of the contest so that he could see how my progress is going.

Joey and I were talking last night about the contest. I asked him if he thinks I will win. He said, "well, maybe you'll get like 2nd place" Nice, Joey! :) So, my "mini trainer" thinks I will get 2nd place. I am going to SO prove him wrong when I win 1st place!!!!

I wanted to start on the treadmill today. Is it wrong of me to also want to wait until the contest starts?? I'm sandbagging now so I don't lose any of my percentage BEFORE the contest starts. I guess it's the competiveness in me. So sad. lol

I begin in one week from today.........

Saturday, February 6, 2010

9 days 'til we begin

It's Saturday, February 6th, and I am getting ready to begin my new adventure in good health. Just got the email yesterday that we will be meeting on Feb 15th for the "before" pictures and weigh in. I should be nervous right? But I am not as nervous as I am excited to begin. I can't wait to get started. I will have a trainer 3 days a week and will have my "mini trainers" (Joey and Keri) pushing me from the homefront on the other 4 days. My goal is to WIN THIS CONTEST!!!!

It is going to be so great to have the support and motivation of all of the readers of my blog as well as the followers of the contest. Getting responses will be a great thing and re-reading my feelings thought and frustrations will hopefully help me get through the next 3 months. To think, in only a little over 3 months I will be done with internships, graduating from grad school and finishing up this incredible new me. Are we ready for this?? :)

More to follow once the contest begins.....thanks for reading.