Wednesday, February 17, 2010

So So Sore

My first workout was yesterday and Steve told me to do my 1/2 treadmill workout last night and another 30 minute workout today. I woke up this morning more sore than I probably have ever been. Needless to say, getting on the floor with the birth to 3 year olds today was NOT that easy. But I did it. =) Tonight I came home and collapsed on the couch for about 40 minutes and I swear I didn't think I was going to be able to get up. But I did it. And I hobbled my sorry butt downstairs and did my workout. I will admit...only did 25 minutes. I also followed Steve's directions and constantly changed up the speed and incline. I had my heart rate up to the 160s where he wanted it to be, so I think I did ok.

Unfortunately, today I forgot to take my meals with me to work. I had to improvise best I could. But I think I did pretty good for Walgreens. (it's the only place I could go in the few minutes I had) I have been drinking water like a fiend and have completely cut out aspartane and citrolose (artificial sweeteners) from my diet completely. I am still drinking my coffee so fortunately have had no withdrawal headaches. The only thing I have to do is talk with him about an option for fizz. Miss my fizz.

More tomorrow after my first 6pm workout. I will now be working out Tuesdays/Thursdays at 6pm and Saturdays 10:30am. He has a regime planned for me on the other days.

1st week half over. 11 more to go!!! :)


  1. you are a sucker for a countdown aren't you??? So proud of you lady... just think, in a few short months you will be walking across the stage to get your diploma looking like a hot mama!

  2. it won't be long before you aren't throbbing sore. keep it up!
